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Month: September, 2012

“The opposite of love i…

“The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.”
― Elie Wiesel

Collectively we are bombarded with ideas.










Ad infinitum.

Ideas are everywhere in our society. They can form a molasses in our synapsis field and make us utterly apathetic and complacent. It’s called over-exposure, and the convenient response is to do nothing. To simply do nothing, believe nothing and feel nothing.

Apathy is a 21st century phenomenon. It’s like the scenario in Aldus Huxley’s Brave New World where society was forced to drink soma in order to become complacent about the real issues about society. In the same way, ideas are used as soma to keep up distracted from the important things in life.

For instance, our generation is out of touch with social issues and spirituality specifically. My opinion is that they are so out of touch because they are afraid of conflict. Sociology has a field called Conflict Theory, and it champions conflict as a positive thing. But, we still see conflict and struggle in a negative light, and we want to remove struggle in any way possible even if it means losing our souls in a way.

Social justice and spirituality are pieces that keep us connected to one another, and so, when we chose to be apathetic and complacent we are placing ourselves above others and in doing so we are not loving.

I believe that love is simply the desire and action of putting others above yourself and evil is the rejection of that. Therefore, our greatest enemy, as Lupe Fiasco puts it, is our “inner me” that exalts ourselves over others through apathy and complacency.

I wish to call our generation to an ever-increasing awareness of the importance of struggle and suffering for things that matter, things that connect us to others. We can choose to be apathetic, but we will be doing it at the expense of others.

Choose love.

With Grace,


“I do not exist,” we fa…

“I do not exist,” we faithfully insist
while watching sink the heavy ship of everything we knew
if ever you come near I’ll hold up high a mirror
Lord, I could never show you anything as beautiful as you
Aaron Weiss, MeWithoutYou

In this world of postmodernism, perplexing existential doubt, and quizzical apathy, God is often far removed from our consciousness. We are in an age of extreme individualism as we ever-increasingly erect altars of ourselves and bow before it.

This is not the way life was meant to be lived. God wanted us to build altars within where he could dwell and shine. It’s about HIM/HER not you and I. I know this sounds cliché, but it’s important and needs to be said.

SO many people in our generation are yearning for affirmation from all the wrong places in an attempt to build a sand castle of self, but it will forever be a sand castle without God. When we are in God, we are his bricks, and we become part of his sturdy building.

At the end of the day, relationships not rooted in God will only be more sand added to our castles, everything in God is firm and everlasting,everything else is dying and transient.

Let’s rebuild our altars to God and be repent, return to our roots, in God who is revealed in Christ.

God can and will save us from ourselves for ourselves and for the world.

Now, don’t be confused, God wants us to know ourselves, but more importantly he wants us to know ourselves within him first. All knowledge that we stumble upon about ourselves must be used to reflect back to God.

In Christ,
